Thursday, June 27, 2013

I'm Back!

It's funny how my last post, over two years ago, is exactly where I remain today.  Stuck in poor health.  Many things in my life have improved since April, 2011, however, and I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge what's going well:

1.  The Home: On April 1st, we listed our small home of 7 years for sale.  By May 4th, we had closed and moved into a temporary 2 bedroom apartment.  In February, we signed a contract with a local builder to purchase a new home.  Scary, since we've only seen the floor plans, but a great price and nothing would need to be fixed, updated or renovated. 

2. The Career: I'm still teaching middle school, doing reading intervention mostly with 6th graders.  But I'm at a different school within the same district.  During the 2011-2012 school year, I decided I had enough of some of the goings-on in my building and requested a transfer.  My request was accepted!  The 2012-2013 school year was one of my most challenging, but by far the best.  It was the first time I worked with 6th grade beginning readers.  These kids struggled and developed some significant coping strategies that often made them difficult to teach.  I had some great student successes and a few I was unable to reach.  Every day was critical in the lives and the futures of my students.  What a wonderful job to have!  My interactions with adults also improved.

So now for the reason I returned to my blog........I feel like crap and no one can figure out why.  I could just "accept" feeling sick, bloated, depressed and anxious, exhausted (not to mention going bald!).  Thing is, that is just not acceptable.  I refuse acceptance in this matter.  My latest journey is into the Paleo lifestyle.  I've tried traditional medicine, natural medicine, acupuncture all with no results or definitive answers.  So now there's this.  The Paleo thing.  After trying so many paths to wellness, I'm pretty skeptical.  And I know my Facebook followers probably don't want to see and read about all my meals and how I feel after each one.  So I'll just do that here.

Now I hear a 3 year old calling "mommy," so I'm off....

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